"They don't .... .. .. ...."
40s W/E 
(More pictures follow the poem)
The years have spun
The days have gone
Of 40s yesterdays
The war, the hate
The sacrifice
Made in so many ways

These things are rare
Their colours worn
Some still have been spared
A glove, a hat, a cheerful song
A faded photo shared

A misty memory for a few
A generation lost from sight
Now a time of books and films
The cars and jeeps and uniforms
Of yanks and tanks and teams

Of men and women sacrificing
Things for all their dreams
Of kids and futures, home, and hearth
Are remembered on this day

Not for glory, blood, or lust
Just a time to say
A big thank you for what they gave
To bring us here today.
Ron Blundell Sept 2021

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